Post Grid Shortcode

Available Parameters


category: Post category name, specify when you want show recent posts from a category
numbers: Numbers of posts to show
columns: Numbers of columns per row
image_width: Image width dimension
image_height: Image height dimension
post_title: yes (default) / no : Show post_title
limit_content: Number of characters of post contents to show
read_more: read more text link


return six latest posts with 3 columns

[prima_code][prima_grid_posts numbers=”6″ columns=”3″ image_width=”250″ image_height=”150″ post_title=”yes” limit_content=”120″ read_more=””]

[prima_grid_posts numbers=”6″ columns=”3″ image_width=”250″ image_height=”150″ post_title=”yes” limit_content=”120″ read_more=””]


發佈留言必須填寫的電子郵件地址不會公開。 必填欄位標示為 *
